
»What‘s love got to do with it? « hums inside me.
Everything. I think.
»It is left for us to decide, warned the philosopher Hannah Arendt, wether we love the world enough to assume responsibility for it (Arendt, The crisis of education 1945). Only if we fall back in love with the world, she foretold, can there be hope of renewal for generations to come. And to do that, we need to relearn the art of thinking, and of writing, from the heart as much as from the head. In the past, we would think and write like this especially when scribing letters to loved ones, family and friends. As we set pen to paper, our thoughts would fly to the intended recipient, as though we were together with them in conversation.«
[Tim Ingold, Correspondances, 2021]
intouchwith, thingsandthoughts, breathwork, embodiedknowledge, hinges